Improving Student Learning - Every Student, Every Lesson, Every Day
Victoria Point State School emphasis is on providing the best opportunities to achieve the intended curriculum. We will achieve this through:
Focus on targeted teaching in literacy and numeracy
Establishing and tracking academic goals for individual student improvement
Monitoring the success of student achievement by regularly analysing student work samples, class and systemic data through our Pedagogical Planning Process
Developing teaching and learning opportunities which target student improvement
Developing and implementing the Victoria Point State School Pedagogical Framework
Implementing Explicit Instruction Model across whole school
Explicitly teaching for the whole class, targeted teaching for particular needs, intensive and collaborative support for students with learning difficulties, particular gifts and talents or other educational needs
Implementing School Wide Positive Behaviour Support
Explicitly identifying and teaching expected behaviours
Focussing on the “You Can Do It” keys to success
Increasing social and extra curricula activities for students
At Victoria Point State School, we believe literacy and numeracy are keys to improving student outcomes. Therefore we will:
Continue our clear focus on literacy and numeracy by embedding them within all teaching Units.
Dedicate time for explicit English and Mathematics blocks in all classrooms.
Clearly articulate sequences of learning for each year level.
Provide quality resources to enhance the teaching of English and literacy, Mathematics and numeracy.
Embed ICTS across the curriculum. We believe children's learning is enhanced when digital technologies are integrated across the curriculum.
Ensure the teaching of literacy and numeracy is consistent throughout the school as identified in the Victoria Point State School Pedagogical Framework.