Catchment area
All state schools have a designated
catchment area. Each state school's catchment area is determined by the equal distance point between neighbouring state schools. All students who live within the catchment area are automatically eligible to enrol in their local school, however eligibility criteria needs to exist to regulate out of catchment enrolments in new schools. Out of catchment applications are initially placed on a waiting list until In catchment numbers are established. Offers to those out of catchment are notified by mail in the second week of November.
An Enrolment Management Plan (EMP) is developed to ensure that the school retains capacity to serve the community for which it is built. An EMP documents the eligibility criteria for students to enrol at the school who live outside of the school's
catchment area.
Primary enrolments
Although the main entry point for new enrolments is usually at the commencement of the school year, we certainly accept enrolments at any stage throughout the year. Please contact the school office to request an enrolment pack. Once you have completed all forms, please return them to the office along with your child's original birth certificate or passport and arrange an enrolment interview.
Enrolments for prep
Our school conducts Open Sessions for prospective prep enrolments each year. Please contact our office to find out dates for this event. All new prep families are required to meet with the Deputy Principal / Principal prior to the child commencing prep.
Children must be 5 on or before 30th June in the year they enrol in prep. Use the prep ready reckoner to determine when your child will be eligible to begin prep. A birth certificate must be provided with the enrolment application before the enrolment can be accepted.
In term 4 we invite future students to attend an orientation visit so they can become familiar with their new school, to help make a successful transition into our school community.
To determine when your child can commence their prep year, use the
online calculator.
Interstate and overseas enrolments
We are fortunate to have international students from many countries around the world. For more information on International Student enrolments, please visit
Education Queensland International (EQI).
Download the Department's
enrolment form (PDF, 466KB)