Our library is a dynamic environment to inspire, engage and extend our students'
love of literature and learning.
Victoria Point State School Library is a place where every student visits for a weekly lesson and to borrow from our general collection. The collection (in excess of 12,000 resources) provides the school community with access to high quality fiction, junior fiction and non-fiction books. Our library also facilitates access to the eBook library where staff and students have access to thousands of eBooks to support their learning and love of reading.
Opening Hours
Our library is open from 8:30am until 3:00pm, and is staffed by a fully qualified Teacher-Librarian.
The library is accessible by classes throughout the day for borrowing and library lessons, and is open for students to access at both lunch breaks.
Parents are welcome to accompany their children before school to help in the selection of books or to just sit and enjoy reading a book together.
Teacher Librarian: Sharyn Illingsworth
Library Aide: Julie Carroll
Borrowing limits for year levels
Books are borrowed for a 2 week period. Students are welcome to return their books earlier and borrow another book if they wish. Students may borrow:
Prep: 1 Easy Junior Fiction Book
Years 2- 3: 2 books – 1 Junior Fiction; 1 other
Years 3 – 5: 3 books – 1 Fiction; 2 others
Year 6: 4 books - your choice
A wonderful resource for parents who are looking for book suggestions is to head to the Premier's Reading Challenge (QLD) Booklist. Compiled by Teacher-Librarians, the lists offer a wide variety of books and also gives a short blurb on each. We find this list useful when we are looking to engage or extend readers.
Our library provides access to a diverse range of resources for students and staff.
New resources are added continually, with purchases being informed by curriculum needs and student interests. Students, parents and teachers are able to submit suggestions for book purchases to the Teacher-Librarian.
New resources are promoted to staff and students via library displays, including slideshows and bookshelf displays.
Students, staff and parents can access our online catalogue from both home and school.
Extra-Curricular activities and reading promotion
Our library provides a number of extra-curricular activities aimed at promoting student reading engagement and engagement within the library space.
- Makerspace
Our new makerspace is a creative free space for students to make, design, build and create. Displays and challenges change frequently to provide inspiration, but students are encouraged to use their imaginations and create freely.
- Book Week
The Children's Book Council of Australia's Book Week is a major event for our school and library each year. Students are encouraged to come to school dressed as a favourite book character for our Book Week Character parade each year. Our library is proud to provide access to the books shortlisted for the CBCA book of the year awards as part of our book week celebrations.
- National Simultaneous Storytime
National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops and many other places around the country. Our school is pleased to participate in this great event each year. This year, NSS will be held on Wednesday 25th May and we will all meet in the hall to listen to Mr Cramb read to us. This year's book is Family Tree by Josh Pyke. We have a copy of this book available in our library for students and staff to borrow.
Students are asked to show that they are well READ by wearing RED.
Premier's Reading ChallengeThe Premier's Reading Challenge is an annual state-wide initiative for Queensland state and non-state schools and home-educated students from Prep to Year 9, as well as children (aged up to 5 years) enrolled in an early childhood centre.The Premier's Reading Challenge aims to improve literacy and encourage children to read for pleasure and learning.At Victoria Point State School we are pleased to support and promote this reading initiative. Lunchtime ActivitiesThe library is a very popular space for students to visit at lunch time. Students enjoy using the makerspace, drawing and colouring, playing games, using our bank of iPads and computers; and of course reading and borrowing books.